Building Envelope Services is the group of services that encompasses the shell or envelope of your building. This includes things like the roof, windows, and exterior walls. Your building’s envelope protects the people and contents inside of your structure. Ensure your envelope is functioning by contacting The Adkins Association Inc.
Services Provided: Forensic reports, investigative survey reports, destructive testing, site staging and phasing, demolition and deconstruction masonry restoration, HVAC design, programming, process plans implementation, and bid format construction drawings. Special systems design, full-time observation, mission critical precautions and emergency response.
The Challenge: Cooling capacity was diminishing, and inefficient equipment allowed moisture to penetrate stonework causing cracking and spalling of limestone. The age of the materials and mortar warrant masonry and curtain wall restoration and repair. Further investigation revealed deficient structure and rust at the abandoned microwave crown. All equipment and work occurred on a roof system that was at the end of its useful life.
The Solution: Create a several year plan phasing construction, equipment replacement, restoration, and roof systems in a prioritized and organized plan to prevent damage to new equipment and roofs. Cooling capacity was prioritized and replaced with new components coordinating complex roofing operations. Then masonry restoration and wall repair occurred over remaining levels and roofing was completed post construction. Finally, the crown structure was removed requiring new enclosure and restoration to near original building design allowing the final stage of uppermost roof to be replaced.
The Adkins Association Inc. has the wisdom and experience clients have counted on since 1958.